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for the benefit of your cultural projects
ColetteTalents, voilà un nom qui engage bien des PROMESSES, n'est-ce pas ?
Colette is at once audacity, talent, and influence. Literature, culture, and elegance.
With these words in echo, we compose for you high-quality influence campaigns, up to all your requirements.
OURS 11 Exclusive TALENTS
Nos promesses de succès
We are committed to providing you with influencer campaigns:
Accessible to all budgets
Who says influencer marketing is priceless? You might be thinking of star content creators with millions of followers... They're not in our sights.
We prefer to work with micro-influencers (between 10k and 100K followers) and macro influencers (up to 500K followers).
This already provides tremendous visibility and, above all, gives you the assurance of better targeting and a better return on investment, by reaching more engaged communities.
The Colette team has 15 years of marketing expertise behind it, and hundreds of influencer campaigns under its belt, so you can imagine that ROI and KPI, engagement rates, CPC, EMV and reach rate... it's mastered!
What measures can we use to increase our notoriety? To boost our sales? Develop our own communities? Reach a new audience?...
We will support you in finding the best devices and profiles to best meet your objectives.
Influencer campaigns that arouse desire and curiosity! This is necessary to avoid being like everyone else and to blend your devices into the crowd. We work in co-creation with advertisers to offer creative devices that adapt to the uses and codes of your target, that integrate the latest trends and offer a new and memorable experience.
We select for you the best of the best content creators. Clarity of expression, charisma, eloquence are important selection criteria . We work in co-creation with content creators to support them in this direction and offer you high-quality UGC (user-generated content) content that meets your requirements.
Colette aux mille facettes qui me fascine et m'émerveille.
Quel style, quelle audace, quels talents !
Tour à tour, journaliste, comédienne, danseuse de revue, présidente de l’académie Goncourt, écrivaine de renom, comédienne, femme d'affaire... Colette est une artiste TOTALE, « un joyau tout en or » comme l'appelait sa mère. Elle laissera derrière elle et pour la postérité, l'image du femme libre, féminine et féministe, sensuelle et sulfureuse.
Colette 1873-1954
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